Visual green movement

Mankind cannot live without plants. The plant kingdom provides us oxygen, food, clothing, and knowledge. Everyone is a bit bio minded! However, plant knowledge is declining, while urbanization is on the increase. Therefore, How are you growing? wants to encourage greater green awareness in the city. HAYG? is a strong initiative that combines science and culture in order to create a new perspective on the connection between mankind and nature. RFT-O is happy to help get this “green movement” going.

The headquarters of HAYG? is the botanical gardens on the university campus of Utrecht. Two very different groups come together here. Visitors for the botanical gardens, people with a lot of plant knowledge, and also students who are more sensitive to style and trends. By not looking at differences, but seeing similarities, we have developed an identity that appeals to both groups.

The visual similarity between the structure of an urban area and the structure of a plant leaf is amazing and taken as a starting point. Zooming in or out, this creates an infinite variety of shapes. With this design system and the broad color palette, new expressions can always be developed. Without losing recognizability. Just like the green movement itself, the identity of HAYG? will continue to develop. HAYG? started its activities: from selling special plants in the store to organizing adopt-a-plant events and special dinner evenings in the greenhouse.

Brand identity


In collaboration with

Marjolein Spronk
Kurt de Wit