Creative space makers

The best vocational education for a career as a ‘creative space maker’? Then you go to Nimeto Utrecht. From stylist to painter, from set builder to restorer. Every year, Nimeto faces the challenge of convincing why they are the best option for aspiring ‘creative space creators’.

No bulky brochure like in previous years. This time a smarter approach: ‘digital first’. A recruitment campaign on social media, made for and by students. And all detailed information can also be found online.

For each program we have a yearly ‘ambassador student’. An honorary job with Instagram takeovers for a look behind the scenes. They also feature prominently on the cover of the brochure of their study program. Recognizable for new students, parents, and deans.

On information evenings and during open houses Nimeto can promote and handover more information. Therefore, we developed a 14-part, flexible folder concept. Printed by Nimeto in house, in the number of copies required. No needless waste and exactly the relevant parts of info for the students.

The design for the recruitment campaign has been given its own style in terms of photography, color, typography, and navigation. With the current Nimeto logo, for recognizability, but all new and fresh.

Campaign identity


In collaboration with

Marleen Kuipers
Portrait photography

van Santen & Bolleurs
Campaign image

Barbara Slagman

Florian Franken